Wednesday, December 31, 2008

couple of hours before closing time.

here comes the new year!


said for a million times and more.. but for this time, i really hope it'll be a good year for everybody.. since the closing time is a bit "unsettling".. couple of hard moments.. and most of it is more like an agony.. and it's not exagarating though... because this last moments is full of big things.. big decision, big problem, strong courage and fear..
i hope it'll be better with my friends and family.. this page is really hard and it's too difficult to flip it just like that.. hhehe.. just hoping though.. that everybody still have their hopes and courage.. and confidence!!

love you guys... have a good new year!!


ever wanted something so bad, it hurts??? i do.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

oneironaut vega..

"and put it in your pocket??"

to those who explore the worlds of dreams..

life is dull without a dream
those great expectations of life
when one tries to find
for once left behind

the light shines our path
ease the further steps of life
if darkness shall comes to absorbs,
no fear nor tears, should be perceived

behold the present!
for it is the begin
the reason of the future may come

reach those dreams babe, and form it into reality.. when life feels to be suffocating, take a slow step, relax, and talk, blab it out until you're relieved, and be ready to take another step, to make those dreams come true! let the stars be proud, let them see that they still can do their job :D

ps:sometimes dream can change, just do what you believe in! there's noone who can mess me with my dream, accept myself :D

*vega is the first star, other than the sun, to have its photograph taken and also the brightest star in the constellation lyra. [a nice star to wish your dream upon.. vega, will make it come true :D]

Saturday, August 2, 2008

vintouch - old grouch

just let me..

let my soul cry

so i can pour out my heart for a while

then i will be back

just continuing...

only to breath.

Friday, July 25, 2008

semua berawal dari pohon..

hey mayans, just a little bit information on this post, it's mostly about a tree.. but it's not just a tree. it's the multipurpose one. dedicated to my dearest friend, 101083. :D enjoy.. for anyone who read this, you can always learn from this post. but again, it's just a memorabilia.

* saguer, adalah minuman khas Manado yang terbuat dari pohon enau.. alias Aringa Pinnata. minuman semacam tuak yang rasanya seperti air tape ini (dibaca “air tape” bukan eir teip!!-rit.) berasal dari pohon Aringa Pinnata which is one of the most diverse multipurpose tree species in culture.
*why multipurpose?? karena hampir seluruh bagian dari si aringa ini bisa digunakan untuk berbagai macam keperluan.

o tulang daun * alias lidi, dipergunakan hampir setiap hari untuk memuluskan kasur yang krumel2 dan membersihkan kremes kremes yang tertinggal dari keripik tadi malam.
o daun muda * aiihh daun muda!! biasa digunakan untuk menggulung tabak.
o si batang daun * aiihh batang.. digunakan para pedagang sebagai tongkat untuk panggulan.
o badan si aringa * he he he.. dipenuhi dengan bulu ijuk yang biasa dipergunakan sebagai bahan untuk membuat sapu, tali tambang dan sikat. sampe2 diekspor sebagai bahan pabrik untuk jok mobil Me*ce*es. (sensor!-rit.)
o manggarnya * biasa digunakan sebagain ornamen di pesta2 kawinan.
o caruluk * adalah buah dari aringa pinnata
o kawul * (gumpalan seperti kapas yang terdapat di tengah-tengah pangkal pelepah daun) bisa digunakan sebagai penyulut api.
o tangkai bunga jantan * difermentasi dan menghasilkan tuak/saguer, jus leci (kata icus-rit.). mungkin karena sama2 hasil fermentasi, makanya rasanya kaya air tape.
o tuak * yang udah jadi ini, kalo diproses lebih lanjut lagi bisa jadi cuka. (kayanya mah cuka kawung-rit.)

nah.. si tuak ini teh!! ternyata disajikan di beberapa tempat di indonesia. bandung adalah salah satu kota pemilik tempat makan bertuak ini. ternyata tempat itu beraroma manado (kampung halaman bapa! heuh ko icat?-rit.) dan biasa dijadikan tempat nongkrong bagi anak2 pecinta makanan nikmat. seperti yang disebutkan, pohon multifungsi ini berkhasiat mujarab. bukan saja rasa tuaknya yang enak, tapi juga membuat wanita memiliki nafsu makan yang lebih tinggi dari biasanya.

memang, tuak dan makanan manado paling tepat untuk dinikmati setelah kelelahan dan penantian selama 4 jam. tapi sungguh menyentuh hati dimana tuak ini mempererat hubungan antara dua insan *(huahahahaha ga kuat !!-rit.).
kapan saja dan dimana saja?? kenikmatan tuak yang asli hanya bisa dirasakan pada klimaks2 tertentu, dan bukan sembarang waktu. dihari biasa, memang rasanya tetap menggugahkan hati, tapi akan lebih tepat lagi bila dinikmati dihari ulang tahun. ... bersama seseorang ... seseorang .. seseorang. (till fade-rit.)

haha :D itu baru namanya pohon multifungsi.. hihi..
ps:cus, keputun keputun.



Wednesday, July 23, 2008

a cup of jazz and a touch of coffee??

hey... mayans.. (alias orang2 yang sedang berada di dunia maya.. hahaaha.. istilah apa tuuhhh..).. anyway..

after the 'traumatize' from watching a 'terrible' movie, i've decided to do something fun.. i've tried to look for some funny tv shows or movie, and i stopped on "joey" "ugly betty" which of course aren't working.. and decided to try "for old time sake" sabrina the teenage witch.. kaya uda lama gitu ga nonton.. :D but feel a bit bored, again.... i turn a new page and found "sex and the city".. as much as i want to watch it, i have to 'wait' for it to load up.. so.. i create some picture which i've been planning to do that from a looong time ago.. and these are some of my favorite things.. actually it's more like an image of things which belongs in my life..

and this blog i made, i tried to make it 'my style'.. :D a little bit vintage, with nice melody flowing on the background.. and the songs change quite often, but those are the songs that's fills my day on that moment or just what i'm in the mood for..

why "retrococo"?? at first, i wanted to be name rococo because i wanted it give an old style' feeling (it always makes me feel comfy), but since the "blogger MAN A GERRRR" says it's not possible.. haha.. so i try to pull out another name that's not so far from it..

this blog is dedicated to the classics singer, group, big bands, fashion creator, designer, artists, great chefs, and 'old times' movie producer... if you enjoy those "experiences" as much as i do, maybe you'll like this 'rococo'.. think about, 'the mills brothers' ' glenn miller' 'benny goodman' 'an american in paris' 'gershwins' 'disney classics movies' 'an affair to remember' 'shop around the corner' 'sambel goreng tempe' and so on.... this is for the first, and see you on the next post..

